Most people don’t make a connection with various problems that plague them in adulthood which actually stem from imbalances that were present during childhood. Some of these problems include neck and back pain, headaches, arthritis and joint pain, and musculoskeletal injuries just to name a few. Unfortunately, a reactive approach is often taken in response to a pain or injury from long standing imbalances. A proactive preventive approach of early assessment, detection and correction of imbalances could save one from unneeded pain and suffering, inability to play sports or other activities, as well as the time and money spent trying to return no a normal lifestyle. Structural imbalances in young athletes can also set the stage for unnecessary injuries and decreased performance. Identifying any structural imbalances in children is relatively much easier and possible to correct rather than waiting for an injury or permanent damage to occur later on as an adult.

Healthy Feet, Healthy Foundation

Part of our initial structural assessment begins by performing a digital scan of the feet while standing. An infrared image is then produced showing not only the arch structure of the feet, but also if the body weight is being evenly distributed or not. Imbalances in the feet can cause postural compensation to occur which can affect not only the feet, but can often be observed all the way up to the head and neck. The effects of foot and arch imbalances can often be observed in uneven wear patterns on the bottom of your shoes that are a little more “broke-in”.

Stand Up Straight!

Postural issues are more prevalent today than ever due to excessive time spent in front of the computer and using mobile devices. Improper posture while using these devices can lead to a condition referred to as anterior head carriage, or in more popular terms—tech neck. No doubt all ages are affected by this, although in children it can easily lead to life-long permanent structural deviations and damage if bad posture is not corrected.

Some of these postural imbalances can also be checked at home such as uneven shoulders and uneven hips in the horizontal plane. Also, you can check for anterior head carriage by observing your child from the side. Their ears should line up directly above their shoulders. If their ear is in front of their shoulder, anterior head carriage is present and can not only cause neck pain and headaches, but can lead to premature degeneration of their spine.

Measuring for leg length differences is also an important aspect in checking for structural imbalances. Oftentimes, leg length differences can be due to misalignment in the pelvis and/or spine which can be corrected through chiropractic adjustments.

Let’s Take A Look Under The Hood

Your nervous system—your brain, spinal cord and all of the nerves that branch off of these control everything in your body including your muscles, organs, glands, circulation and sensory organs. Imbalances and interferences in the nervous system can affect how well your body functions, heals and self-regulates. Imbalances in the nervous system can also be a significant underlying cause of structural imbalances. Non-invasive thermal and electrical scans can be performed on the nervous system to detect these imbalances and interferences, which in turn, can be an underlying cause of structural imbalances in the human frame. Imbalances and interferences in the nervous system can often be corrected through chiropractic adjustments and specific exercises.

Computerized digital range of motion testing of the spine can also reveal how imbalances are affecting the function of the spine. Alterations and asymmetry in range of motion can make a child more susceptible to injuries, especially the more physically active they are. Pain and restriction are also indicators of structural imbalances.

Identifying and correcting any of these structural imbalances can improve quality of life at any age. The longer these problems are present, the more difficult, time-consuming and expensive a correction can take if permanent damage has not already occurred. This is why it is so important to have children assessed for any potential structural imbalances so that they can truly achieve their optimal potential and not have to deal with unnecessary problems as adults.