The medical community defines heart arrhythmia as a potentially life-threatening irregular heart beat or rhythm. Heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias) occur when a malfunction exists in the electrical impulses within the heart which coordinate how a person’s heart beats. The condition results in the heart beating too fast, too slow, or irregularly. Atrial fibrillation represents the most common type of heart arrhythmia.

Most people experience occasional, brief, and usually harmless arrhythmias such as a skipped, fluttering, or racing heartbeat. Although those moments may feel scary, most people who experience them have nothing wrong with their heart and need no treatment. More than four million Americans experience more severe heart arrhythmias which accompany additional bothersome signs or symptoms. These symptoms include shortness of breath, fainting, and even an unexpected loss of heart function, breathing, and consciousness. Proactive health always begins with education and proper attentiveness to details and warning signs.

Research released in 2018 shows that people who exhibited increased  amounts of wear and tear in the neck also experienced higher rates of heart arrhythmias. The study showed that people demonstrating even small amounts of cervical wear and tear were up to 3.1 times more likely to suffer from heart arrhythmias. The same study determined that people who went through a neck rehabilitation program or underwent surgical decompression experienced lower rates of heart arrhythmias. Nerves located in and around the neck, linked directly to the parts of the heart which influence cardiac electricity, provide an explanation for why neck problems directly associate with heart arrhythmias.

Health personnel treat arrhythmias by implanting a pacemaker near the collarbone which shocks a patient’s electrical signal back into action when it drops below a certain threshold. Anti-arrhythmia medications or blood thinners also treat the condition. Some cases even involve coronary bypass surgery. Some of these solutions and procedures become necessary in an emergency situation. Evidence-based research proves that a more natural and less invasive solution exists for those suffering from arrhythmia. Chiropractic care provides a minimally-invasive approach to help heart arrhythmia patients get drug-less care to help address the cause. Research will continue to reveal the benefits associated with taking care of the spine and nervous system with regard to how Chiropractic care beneficially influences the nervous system and vital organs of the body.

Non-Pharmaceutical Ways to Help Improve Heart Arrhythmias and Blood Pressure Problems:

1) Regular Chiropractic Care – Chiropractic adjustments improve neck movement and alignment. Improved alignment is linked to improving heart arrhythmias.

2) Neck Pillow – Neck pillows support a proper curve in the neck. 30% of life is spent sleeping and proper neck curvature improves with the use of a good pillow.

3) Stay Fit While You Sit – Maintain appropriate work station space and posture that supports good spinal alignment, movement, and function.

4) Better Sleep – Experiencing adequate sleep has been linked to improving cases of heart arrhythmias. Blackout any light and lower the room temperature to 68 degrees Fahrenheit to promote better sleep quality.

J Clin Med. 2018 Aug 23;7(9). pii: E236. doi: 10.3390/jcm7090236. Association of Arrhythmia in Patients with Cervical Spondylosis: A Nationwide Population-Based Cohort Study. Lin SY1,2Hsu WH3,4Lin CC5,6Lin CL7,8Tsai CH9,10Lin CH11,12Chen DC13Lin TC14Hsu CY15Kao CH16,17,18.